Tuesday 29 January 2013

I homeschool - why don't people get it? Part 1

Ok, I'm going to describe a a typical everyday scene in my life. The writing in red is not part of the scene and isn't really important. You can just ignore it if you like. This blog post will probably go on for ages, but maybe not if I manage to stop myself from moaning.

Randomperson: So what's your favourite subject?
How do people manage to dredge up such boring topics of conversation?!
Me: Um - I like writing.
I usually start my sentences with "Um". I don't know why, but it's something I'm trying to stop doing.
Randomperson: Ah, so do they do a lot of that at your school then?
Why can't people ask me stuff that they're actually interested in?
Me: Uh, well, I don't go to school; my mum and dad teach me at home.
I say "Mum and dad" because for some reason, people tend to assume that it's just my mum who teaches me. Or they think a tutor comes to the house to teach me
Randomperson: So do you enjoy it?
Me: I love it.
Randomperson: I've never heard of that before. How do they know what to teach you?
"How do they know what to teach me?" Seriously?
Me: Whatever I want to learn about, really. I like art, and like I said before, writing.
Randomperson: So are your parents teachers?
Are people stupid or what?
Me: No; you don't have to be a teacher to teach your kids at home.
What would be the point in teaching your kids at home if you're a teacher? Surely it would be more convenient to send your child to the school you work at?
Randomperson: do you have a curriculum then? 
Me: *Stifled yawn* No; I just tell my  parents what I want to learn about and they help me get resources and help me to learn what I want.
Randomperson: Don't you lack the social element then?
Me: I go to lots of classes, and talk to people everyday anyway. I still have friends, enough friends for me. And not all of them are children my age, who are the same level as me and who I see everyday. I talk to lots of different kinds of people everyday.

I'm going to end my everyday scene there even though it goes on, because I'm tired of switching from red to black and writing like a play.

 What is so annoying is that I get asked this all the time. I'd probably be ok with answering these questions if they were just asked once every five years or something. Also, people don't realise that I actually get bored answering them. As well as that, they aren't interested; They're curious. There might not seem to be a big difference between the two, but I think that "Curious" is a short-term thing, like an urge. Interest is more long term, and can imply approval of the subject. In addition, they aren't curious about me; they're curious about what I do, and they think they can just bombard me with questions about it.

These are some of the most common questions I get asked:

1. What do you learn at home?
2. Don't you miss the equipment at school?
3. Have you ever tried school?
4. Do you know any other home-schoolers?
5. Why are you home-schooled?

Here's another thing that irritates me: Sometimes when I'm getting introduced to somebody, the person introducing me just has to tell the other person I'm home-schooled, like it's the most interesting thing about me or like it's part of my name. Then I have to explain all over again.

This is just the first part to My Epic Ramble. I'm going to bed now, but I'll carry this on in another post later.

Thanks for reading this.

Here are links to the continuations of this:

Part 2
Part 3



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