Saturday 9 February 2013

Making sushi

Yesterday, we decided it would be sushi day!

The rice was brown sushi rice, so it was more filling than usual rice. It did take longer to cook, though. My mother says that next time we should use white rice because it will be quicker to make.

When the rice had cooked, we added a mixture made out of rice wine vinegar, sugar and salt, making sure that it was cool before it was added. Mixing everything together was quite hard, because you had to get someone to fan the rice while you added the vinegar, salt and sugar. As well as that, the actual mixing part was different to how you'd imagine; to stop the rice from getting mashed, we had to sort cut and fold it over.

Here are the fillings we used:

1. Carrot
2. Cucumber (Cut into pretty shapes by my sister - even though you couldn't see it when it was rolled up inside the rice)
3. Salmon (Smoked)
4. Tuna mayonnaise
5. Sweet soya sauce
6. Mayonnaise
7. Chicken (Not very traditional!)

Sometimes we mixed the fillings, but other times, they were nice on their own.

Rolling the sushi was the hardest part, because I kept adding too much rice to the seaweed, and when I tried to roll it, it wouldn't close properly. My mother was way better at rolling the seaweed; she put just the right amount of fillings, and made it all fit it in nicely, and she did it quite quickly too.

We made miso soup using two sachets of instant miso soup, and some miso paste. Also, we chopped some onion and some leek and added that.

When everything was ready, we sat down together to enjoy the food we'd made!

That was the best meal I've had in ages!

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