Sunday 20 November 2011

London Streetfood Bank Part 2

I have carried on with my project to help distribute sandwiches to the homeless once a week. On World Food Day at my school I gave a presentation to two classes.

Here is me practising my speech:

When I gave my talk to a Year 5 class, I was really nervous. I thought that only people in books 'shook' when they were nervous, but I was shaking and I lost my place in the notes I was holding so I had to try to remember what I had written down. It was difficult but things went well, and no one noticed that there was a chunk missing.  Things went better in the Year 6 class that I did the talk.

One week I didn't go and Mum went without me. I'll tell you what I remember about the story she told me when she came back. She said that she was asked to help this man who brought lots of little packages of lamb. Each one was carefully wrapped.  He was Moslem  and it is part of his obligation to pay for the sacrifice of a sheep/ lamb and distribute it. The man and his wife cooked the meat and tried to find out who they can donate it to; and then he found London Streetfood Bank online, spoke to Jon, and came on the day.

My mum told me that he and his relatives were shocked that there were people going hungry on the streets in London. There weren't any homeless people where lived (which was in London too in Harrow) and he found it hard to believe that people lived on the streets. He said he could have given it to his relatives but that would just make them fatter than they already were! :D

When I heard about him, my first thought was, "Wow, what a kind person." I thought it was amazing that he went through all that effort to donate food.

I felt proud of the work I was doing too.

However, a few days after World Food Day, a girl in my class who is always bullying and snapping at me and my friend said to me that it was illegal for me to do what I was doing and that she knew because she looked it up on the Internet. She said that it was actually my mum who did the sandwiches and I just helped her. Obviously I know that it was a load of lies because this girl lies a lot and who would actually take the time to look it up on the Internet? I told her I knew it wasn't true and a boy sitting at our table backed me up and said that he would go home and check to prove that this girl was wrong. I didn't tell my parents till later because I just wanted to shrug it off.

The last time I went to collect sandwiches from Pret, the sandwiches had already been put in a black bin bag but luckily not in a proper bin. We packed them way in different bags according to fillings and went to distribute them. It was lucky we got there; there were a lot of sandwiches that day, and also some salads and yoghurts as well as pastries. I felt extra good because many people got food from us that day.

Helping the hungry is my project.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my dear, what a wonderful thing you're doing! I am very proud of you ;-) also the way you handled the bullies. You're fantastic ;-) And growing up too fast ;-(((
